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Lowe Alpine Cordeillera Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Lowe Alpine Cordeillera.


Ed, 0/0/00 User Rating:  N/A
"RUGGED would be the best way to describe this pack. This thing
is so totally rugged and abrasion resistant, and so well built that it
makes other packs seem like children's packs. OK I admit it's not
a lightweight, but the padding is firm enough that if you compress
your pack down like I do, when weaving between rocks and ice
there is absolutely no sway or give whatsoever. I've tried other
packs like Dana, Osprey, Mountainsmith etc., but sorry guys, they
seem rather flimsy after using something like this. Love the
removable pillow and adjustable frame when load shifts from
carrying more gear. 10 or so Lash points help strap on things I
wouldn't want to be with my clothes such as poles, crampons and
the like. Quite a pack but only if you're not into wussy pretty things
like bright "spruce" or paisley colored packs."


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