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Coleman Peak 1 Shoshone Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Coleman Peak 1 Shoshone.


Charlie, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I strongly recommend this pack for young mountain goats just getting into the backpacking world!

Since Coleman retired their Peak 1 line for their new exponent line, this pack is no longer made. However, everyone I know who has ever had this pack has told me they beleive it to be one of the greatest backpacks for beginners. It really is a wonderful backpack, and I would probably get another if I could get one new, even though I have probably over-graduated from that pack plenty already.

There are a few bad things I have noticed, but these problems are to be expected. It has an oddly small torso height compared to the belt circumference and the size of the pack, but since I received mine at age 13, I would guess that it is probably a size small pack anyways, if not a child's size. For the most part, the pack is holding together nicely, but the mesh pocket, some of the more vulnerable seams, and all of the zippers are wearing out from excessive use (and, of course, plenty of former misuse). Though the pack can carry fairly heavy loads, the pack begins to lose a great deal of its otherwise abounding comfort at about 55 - 65 lbs. (done it once or twice, when other crew members' mispacking issues become apparent too late, would advise against it at all costs, even though the backpack handled it much better than expected).

However, the pack itself is INCREDIBLE when it comes to load balancing. Not only from my own experiences, but also from that of others who I help with pack problems on the trail, it has seemed that the balance acheived in the Peak 1 Shoshone when all the straps are adjusted properly is unparalleled. Movement and balance with the pack on is extraordinarily free and natural for a backpack. In fact, movement is only slightly restricted at all with the pack on as with the pack off, even with loads exceeding 30 pounds.

I have made two week-long Grand Canyon trips and countless weekend excursions with it, and may very well make several more trips with it before it is too worn out to continue to use. If you are just starting out and are looking for a backpack to learn with, the Peak 1 Shoshone would be an excellent choice."


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