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REI UL 45 Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for REI UL 45.


Ray Klahne, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I really like this pack. I chose the large size which is a 50 liter model weighing in at just 2 lbs. 12oz. It's a top loader with an internal compression system to snug the load with just one pull. There is an inner sleeve for my hydration bladder and dual ports provide the ability to pass the drinking tube over either shoulder. Simple attachments allow me to easily attach my trekking poles to the bag for long flat runs. This pack may be a bit tight for some. I travel pretty light, 25 lbs. including 2.4 liters of water and 3 days worth of food. It's definitely packed to the gills when I hit the trail with only my sit pad attached to the outside. I find that having less available space forces me to carry less. A tough little pack at a very nice price!"


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