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Marmot Never Winter Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Marmot Never Winter.


LtHiker, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I purchased the Never Winter Bag to be my 3 season bag. I have used it down to 18* even though it is rated for 30*, of course at 18* I had every piece of clothing that I had with me on inside the bag.
Light weight 1lb 15oz stuffs down to a loaf of bread size. If you use a compression sack it gets down to a big grapefruit size.
Good bag for the money."


Ted, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"lightweight, compresses small, good summer bag, plenty warm when it's not too cold out.

30 degrees could be a bit optimistic - my bag has a couple of thin spots, and I needed to wear some clothes to make it warm inside when it was not quite 30 degrees out. Temperature ratings are heavily dependent on your own sleeping preference as well!"


Garry Messer, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Quality construction, feather weight,compresses to football size.
On a trip in March where my water bottle froze overnight, I
did have cold toes but at it's
30degree rating and above it's
fine. I got it mostly for the weight and space savings."


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