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Vasque Picacho WB Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Vasque Picacho WB.


Mel, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I hate these boots. I'm surprised that this company made such cruddy things. Barely any ankle support, they make you feel like Frankenstein when they're on, the sole is very inflexbile and if you are hiking on any wet rocks you can bet that your 'going down'. After just 4 miles with a 40lb pack my feet ache - even with the overrated Vasque insoles you can buy seperately. One positive thing: I've had these boots for three years now, trying desperately to wear them out to justify buying a new pair - must have put on hundreds of miles with them - and they are barely worn. I'm giving up and getting so Asolo's."


Bnorrgar, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"These boots are aweful. Do not buy them. They have ruined two trips for me. Your feet will hurt sooo bad. I walked 16 miles in them in a day and could almost not stand the next day due to the swelling and pain in my feet. These boot have absolutely no cushion and even dr scholls didn't help"


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