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National Park

Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve

    The Chugach, Wrangell, and St. Elias mountain ranges converge here in what is often referred to as the "mountain kingdom of North America." The largest unit of the National Park System and a day's drive east of Anchorage, the park-preserve includes the continent's largest assemblage of glaciers and the greatest collection of peaks above 16,000 feet. Mount St. Elias, at 18,008 feet, is the second highest peak in the United States. Adjacent to Canada's Kluane National Park, the site is characterized by remote mountains, valleys, wild rivers, and a variety of wildlife.Proclaimed as Wrangell-St. Elias National Monument Dec. 1,1978; established as a national park and preserve Dec. 2, 1980. Wilderness designated Dec. 2, 1980. Designated a World Heritage Site Oct. 24,1979.

June 23, 1986 - Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark
February 12, 1998 - Valdez Trail -- Copper Bluff Segment
- Malaspina Glacier National Natural Landmark
May 14, 1998 - Chisana Historic Mining Landscape
June 15, 2000 - Bremner Historic Mining District





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