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Primus Powercooker Review

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Seach Latta Outdoors for Primus Powercooker.


Rob, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"Great lightweight, very powerful stove. I haven't seen any other stoves that boil water so quickly. I've had this stove for two years and it still is working very well. It takes a bit of practice and a watchful eye to make food like pancakes though, the stove tends to burn stuff very quickly. I use this stove exclusively for all my hikes and I am very happy with it."


Richard, 0/0/00 User Rating: 
"I agree with the other review - this Primus stove is lightweight, easy to use, and boils water very quickly. I wanted to point out one little post-Sept 11 nuisance - you can't take the fuel canister with you, even in your checked luggage, if you're flying. It's always been illegal, but now you're always checked. So if you're flying to a camping trip, locate a source of fuel near the trailhead. I always give mine to the Forest Service or Park Service before I head home."


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